Everything looks great before marriage but, as soon as its honeymoon phase ends, the reality of real life starts coming to the fore. Many times, what we think is not what we think and disappointment starts pouring in in life. Along with this, the marriage breaks up due to lack of communication. Your partner may […]
Vastu Shastra plays an important role in every part of the house. While the Vastu Dosh present in the house puts a complete stop on the progress of the members of the house, on the other hand discord and negativity remain in the house. In such a situation, if a little attention is paid to […]
After getting married, the responsibilities of women increase a lot. Generally, women get so much entangled in the household and all kinds of small and big needs that they do not pay much attention to the needs of the husband. But women need to pay attention to this because men do not openly speak their […]
Usually the beginning of a relationship is full of romance, but the ups and downs in life also affect the relationship. Many times men and women go through stress and depression in job, household expenses and responsibilities, taking care of children etc. It also affects the spouse. If your husband has become more calm for […]
There is no instant breakup in any relationship. Breakups have their reasons. A breakup in a relationship happens only when the relationship starts feeling like a burden or it is not formed at all between the partners. But in love, when your relationship starts causing mental stress or you start feeling that your relationship is […]