Kushottapatni Amavasya falls in the month of August. This month Kushottapatni Amavasya is on August 14. There are many people who call Kushottapatni Amavasya also known as Kushotpathini Amavasya and Pola Pithora. Kush, which is uprooted on Kushottapatni Amavasya, can be used for 1 year. Any Amavasya uprooted Kush can be used for 1 month.
According to astrology consultancy, the Kush is considered to be particularly pure in our scriptures. In our scriptures, while chanting, etc., there is a rule to wear Kush as a Pavitri. Devotees should use the following method to uproot Kush. There is a great need for Kush in Shraddha Paksha.
1. After bathing in the morning, wear white cloth and uproot Kush.
2. Keep your face facing north or east while uprooting Kush.
3. First, touch ‘Kush’ by saying ‘4’. Then pray by reciting the following mantra-
‘विरंचिना सहोत्पन्न परमेष्ठिनिसर्जन।
नुद सर्वाणि पापानि दर्भ! स्वस्तिकरो भव॥‘
4. Then, by making a fist with the palm and fingers, dislodge Kush with one stroke. Kush should be uprooted at once. So first loosen it with a sharp piece of wood, do not touch the iron. If you want to know more about it then consult a famous astrologer in the world.
5. Say ‘hoon ft’ while uprooting Kush.
What are the usable keys
• Whose face is not cut.
• That is not burnt.
• Not on the road or dirty place.
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